Monday, October 27, 2014

I Don't Feel like Being Predictable

I think it sounds normal to say that I have issues focusing on things. That is why I suck at updating my blog. I don’t really like regularity so I suck at making a schedule and sticking to it. I suppose it’s because there was this one time that I got an award (which obviously wasn’t an award) called the “needs to try new things” award. I was about 13 or so when I get it and I was pissed. I think after that point I made a sort of unconscious decision to be somewhat unpredictable. It kind of worked because I surprise people sometimes but doing something “out of character.” However, to me, it really isn’t all that out of character.
In my family of all women (besides my dad), I am the tough one, the tomboy, the one they expect to roll with the punches and lift heavy things… I go hiking with my dad, I try to stay in shape, in high school, I played basketball and threw javelin. All things you would expect from a tomboy. However I think it came as a shock to some people when I decided to make a conscious effort to start being more feminine on the outside.
I guess this is why I don’t like to get into routines/ schedules. I find them to be boring and bothersome. I like to be able to do what I want when I want. But I guess that’s not realistic of me to think. I suppose I do a lot of things that aren’t that realistic that result in… less than satisfactory results but we all do it. It’s a part of my “type B” personality. I don’t have to get things done the same way twice, in fact I like learning to do things another way…
It’s somewhat easy to read my personality from my books. My characters are a part of me. I take a little piece of my personality and let it take over when I want to write. That’s what makes writing fun, or hard or even draining. I love writing teen fiction because I can be young(er) and immature again. I can make all the decisions I was too worried to make as a teen in my books as a character and make outrageous (or even just normal) consequences.
However, it gets much harder when you start writing more seriously. Sometime next year I will be publishing a book called The Demon Dealings. It’s somewhat of a spin on my first book the Diary of a Natural Girl in a Supernatural World instead of taking its self lightly, it is a horror novel about a girl, Natasha, who discovers the existence of supernatural creatures. The persona I took on while writing this book was the most draining, heart wrenching and strong character I have ever written. She goes through a lot in the book and I almost feel like I went through it with her. I guess that is what I would say the rewards of writing is; you finish the book and can say “wow. I did this. I wrote this whole thing and as exhausting as it was I can say that I have produced a piece of work that I am proud of.”
The Demon Dealings is definitely a book I can be proud of and while I’m not sure if most of my readers will even like it, I am please with the result of the first draft.  

A potential cover for The Demon Dealings.

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