Thursday, October 9, 2014

Learn Some Common Sense!

There are a lot of terrible characters out there. Sometimes we love to hate them. They’re the best villains but they’re also a little too good in that but most of the time there are characters that you just want to punch in the face because they lack in the most basic common sense.

I feel like this with a lot of characters but I especially feel this way where female characters are concerned. I don’t know if it’s the way that females are portrayed in my culture or if its just the way these characters are written. I think it’s a little of both.

There are a couple of reasons why a lot of characters bother me. The women are portrayed as weak and needy and more often than not can’t get themselves out of something without the help of a man. Or they’re “strong” and opinionated but because of this they don’t listen to the opinions of others. It’s either their way or the highway and if they do have to listen to someone else they make a huge stink about it. And why do characters make the most illogical decisions? Why don’t they take more time to be creative and come up with other possible plans?

I guess what I really need to explain this is lots and lots of examples…

The easiest place to start is the place where characters are easily the most annoying. If you take a look at any teen TV show you will find cliché and teenage stereo types by the ton. Apparently all teenagers do is party and get high and cause trouble. They never go to class but somehow magically manage to pass with flying colors. They’re so smart! Shows like The Vampire Diaries have annoying characters (all of them even the men). Apparently they take it on themselves to save the town and each other from their stupid mistakes all the time.

It’s like characters in any show (or movie for that matter) feel the need to save everyone if they have any sort of special ability. But why? Why does this responsibility fall on you? It doesn’t, you just think that cops can’t do their job and the justice system sucks (which I will admit it does have plenty of flaws).

Anyways, there is a reason I don’t watch shows that are purely based in the genre of drama. Everyone in those shows make me want to knock myself out with a frying pan. Where do these people get their logic? I have no idea but it’s definitely not anywhere credible.

And why is it that a lot of female characters seem to make decisions based on emotions and not logic? Offenders of this are Lori and Andrea from the Walking Dead who managed (Spoiler alert) to get themselves killed because of their poor choices. Of course this was all for the “good of the group” or whatever BS they like to spew.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is Michone who comes off as a robot at first because her decisions are more rational than that of the “emotional and opinionated” Lori and Andrea. I might be pushing that one a little but the point remains the same.

Of course the same thing can be said for movies that can be said for TV but the characters are less annoying because you only have to put up with them for 2 hours not 7 seasons.

There is a reason that I don’t watch shows that are mainly in the genre of drama (or why I don’t finish a lot of shows) and it’s the same reason why I don’t watch shows in the genre of romance (romantic comedy is a different thing). I don’t like all this back and forth, all of the miss communication. It annoys me and I just wish people would be straight forward and maybe none of your stupid crap have happened in the first place. I don’t like things where the main conflict could be avoided with a simple conversation because I sit there the whole movie wondering why this wasn’t said in the first place.

Anyways, I can probably go on about this forever so I will just end with this… I’m pretty sure what I just said up there is this: characters, at least to me, aren’t very logical and I wish that they would use their brains every once in a while but I guess not every person is a like and the same can be said for characters.

I guess the writers must be doing something right if they’re pissing me off this much.

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